Texas Climate & Energy
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Texas is the largest energy-producing and energy-consuming state in the nation. Texas produces more electricity than any other state, generating almost twice as much as Florida, the second-highest electricity-producing state. Thus, Texas has a disproportionate impact on the ability of the U.S. and the global community to mitigate climate change. Texas also can be an energy justice leader, ensuring that energy production doesn’t harm vulnerable communities, and energy is available even to the marginalized.
Light and Life
Using the Public Utility Commission of Texas Sunset Review to Safeguard Texans’ Health and Wellbeing
The upcoming 2022-2023 Sunset review of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, offers a unique opportunity for Texas lawmakers to advance public health in the Lone Star State.
Micah 4: A Focus on Just Transition
With the iconic verse from Micah 4:3, we are given a vision of hope for a time when we will turn our weapons of violence into tools of harvest, moving from destruction to life, war to peace. How might this message be viewed today? At COP? “Each will sit under his own...
O Belovéd of the Beloved, pure being and clear light, you have no eyes yet you see every microbe churning the soil. You have no ears, yet you hear every child laugh and infant cry. You have no hands, yet every nesting bird rests in the palm of your hand. You have no...
A Prayer for Solidarity and Common Purpose
By Rev. Bill Somplatsky-Jarman, PC(USA) Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministries O God, our Creator and Redeemer, we come to you perplexed, contrite, worried, searching, tired, in need of your presence to restore our hope. We struggle to take the steps necessary to...
Prayers of the People for COP 24
God of Beauty, You created the world and all its inhabitants. You moved among your people to break the bonds of their oppressors, While also holding them accountable when they sought to oppress others. You sent your son Jesus Christ to heal and challenge, and he died...
To God belong the East and the West; wherever you turn, there is the face of God. [2:115]
Wherever you turn, whatever you see, whatever you touch – God's presence is there. It is God's handiwork. Though we do not think of God with hands and face, just as God -shaped Adam in perfect form [15:29] , so God has shaped everything on earth [55:7]. It is our work...
Revelation to John: From the Destruction of Earth to The New Jerusalem
Resurrection is a central principle to Christian faith and features heavily in the book of Revelation. Throughout the apocalypse shown to John of Patmos, God wages war against Satan, causing massive amounts of destruction to the earth. It ends with a resurrection; a...
A New Approach to Climate Change – Wisdom from the voices of young people, women, and indigenous people
The Conference of the Parties’ increasing efforts to bring to the table voices of groups that have been historically marginalized are bringing new visions, ethics, and energy into the climate change action movement. Mutuality, collaboration, and interconnectedness...
Gender-Focused Solutions to Climate Change – Securing gender-equal land tenure rights
Across the globe, women have disproportionately fewer rights and access to land and property. Nonetheless, in some areas such as in Sub-Saharan Africa, women make up for most of the agricultural labor force . This discrepancy poses difficult challenges not only for...
Call to Action: Climate Science for Policy
This afternoon I attended a side event panel discussion entitled “Climate Science for Policy.” This panel discussed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chance (IPCC) Special report, World Meteorological Organization(WMO) statement on the state of the global...
Debunking Myths About the Energy Transition
“A transition to green energy would cost thousands of jobs. It’d be expensive. It just doesn’t make sense.” It’s a narrative that’s been pushed for decades; it’s the last stand of those still opposed to phasing out high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions industries like...