
God of Beauty,

You created the world and all its inhabitants.

You moved among your people to break the bonds of their oppressors,

While also holding them accountable when they sought to oppress others.

You sent your son Jesus Christ to heal and challenge, and he died upon the cross to save us of our sins.

You sent the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf, to inspire our hearts and our minds.

Together as the Trinity you have nurtured us from birth to death, teaching us how to pray and act.

Hear us now as we pray,

God of Creation,

Walk among us.


God of Light,

You sent your Church into the world to shine as a beacon into the darkness. We have not always lived up to that expectation, yet we continue to walk in your way as best we can. We pray now for the Church, and particularly for the Church in Poland, who has graciously opened their doors to your people.



God of Creation,

Walk among us.


God of Compassion,

Many of your children are suffering from illness, pain, and loss. Some have fallen victim to the devastating consequences of our destruction of the world and its climate. We pray for the poor and the oppressed, the sick and the bereaved, the migrant and the refugee, all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. We particularly pray for those who suffer as a result of climate change.



God of Creation,

Walk among us.


God of the Wind,

Representatives of the nations of the world are gathered here in Katowice to discuss the causes, effects, and consequences of the current state of the earth’s climate. Send your Spirit to move among us, inspiring our words and our hearts, that we might acknowledge how we have done wrong and how we might begin to renew the world. Particularly we pray for those at the conference whose words will influence others and those who will take what they have learned back to their home contexts.



God of Creation,

Walk among us.


God of the Water,

Pray for the nourishment of our bodies, and our souls


God of the Fire,

Prayers for our work at this conference, that it be passionate but not destructive.


God of the Earth,

Pray for our leaders


God of Love,

Pray for peace and justice, just transition, loss and damage


God of Creation,

Walk among us.