Links to Binder Materials
2023 Binder Contents
- UWF Program 2023
- Texas Impact Team Flyers
- TX House Room Assignments
- Speaker and Staff Bios
- Ballot Ready 2023
- 10 Commandments of Legislative Visits
- Tell the EPA to Strengthen the Methane Rule
- TLE Guidelines – 2022 Approved
- The Pink Building Guide 2023
- Upcoming Reproductive and Maternal Health Legislation
- Abi Oluyomi, Climate Change and Health UWF 2023
- Ilka Vega, Just Climate UWF 2023
- Isa Peterson, IRA UWF 2023
- Blake Rocap Reproductive Rights UWF 2023
- Diane Forester Maternal and Infant Health UWF 2023
- Melanie Mullen Texas Women Intersectional UWF 2023
- Ricardo Martinez Equality Texas UWF 2023
- Terri Burke Immunizations UWF 2023
- Mel Caraway Methane in Texas and Beyond UWF 2023
- Fabiola Olvera Immigration Workshop for UWF 2023
- Bee Moorhead Abortion Workshop UWF 2023

Texas United Women in Faith invite women of faith from across Texas to the 36h annual Texas Legislative Event! We welcome all who are committed to justice, freedom, and opportunity for all people, especially women and children. Presented in partnership with Texas Impact, the event includes two days of speakers, inspiration, and workshops where you can connect with women like you are ready to put their faith into action. On the third day, attendees will visit the Capitol and meet with lawmakers.
Since 1988, our organizations have collaborated throughout the year to deliver quality policy updates and advocacy training. Attending this Legislative Event will help you understand the legislative process as well as current state issues. Click here to see photos and videos from last year’s event. Together we’ll learn from state policy makers and experts, so you will have the information you need to speak confidently with lawmakers. With a foundation of faith, the event features frank, friendly conversations between Texans. Sometimes we disagree on the policies, but we always respect each other and agree to keep lines of communication open as we work for solutions that strengthen our communities.

More Details
What Happens at Legislative Event?
Sunday, January 29, 2023, 1 pm – 8:00 pm
1PM Opening Session
2-5PM Workshops
5PM Worship
6PM Dinner (Melanie Mullen)
Monday, January 30, 2023, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
8AM Workshop
9AM Panel: Maternal Health
10:30AM Panel: Public Education
Noon: Lunch (John Hill)
1:30PM Panel: Climate Justice
3PM Legislative Small-Group Training
4:30 Office Hours
6:00 Dinner (Regina Banks)
Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 7 am – noon
7AM Bus/ Personal Travel to Capitol
8:30AM to 11:00AM Scheduled Legislative Visits
Noon Adjourn
Virtual Legislative Event
Can’t make it to Austin for Legislative Event? Follow along remotely on our live-stream! If you are able, you’re welcome to join us at the Capitol in person on Tuesday morning for legislative visits…if that doesn’t work for you, the Legislative Event team can help you schedule district or virtual visits at a later date.
Virtual attendees will receive the full conference packet of materials after the event is over. Don’t worry: during the event, you’ll be seeing the documents on your screen.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Opening Session—Plenary Zoom link
Workshops—Workshop Zoom link
In-person participants will move to different rooms for workshops, but you will stay on the same Zoom link the whole time. Each hour, a different workshop will rotate through as our Zoom workshop; you’ll get to see three of them on Sunday, and you’ll have a chance to pick up one more on Monday. There won’t be any in-person participants in the Zoom workshops, and you will be able to talk directly to the presenter during Q&A
Worship—Plenary Zoom link
Evening Keynote—Plenary Zoom link
In-person dinner starts at 6PM, but you can eat whenever you want! The Zoom broadcast will be taking a station break from 5:45 (or when Worship ends) tilll 6:30, when we will bring it back live for the keynote. You’ll be able to ask questions and comment in the chat and Q&A functions.
Monday, January 30, 2023
8AM Workshop: Immunization Policy—Workshop Zoom link
9-12 Plenary—Plenary Zoom link
Morning Plenary—In-person participants will be in the main conference room all morning, with speakers cycling through. The Zoom will stay on continuously, with a short coffee break between speakers.
Lunch—Plenary Zoom link
In-person attendees will move to the dining room, and the Zoom broadcast will pause while we get our lunch, but don’t go away because the lunch speaker will start at about 12:20. You’ll be able to ask questions on the chat and Q&A. After lunch we’ll take a quick break to head back to the main room.
1:30-3PM Plenary—Plenary Zoom link
3:30-4:30PM Legislative training—Workshop Zoom link
In-person participants will move into small groups, where they’ll be for the next couple of hours doing roleplay exercises. You’ll stay on Zoom for an abbreviated legislative training, minus the roleplay. This training will include a special focus on Zoom legislative meetings and district visits.
4:30 to 5PM Office hours—Workshop Zoom link
5PM to 6:30PM
Break! The Zoom broadcast will be down during this time.
Evening Keynote—Plenary Zoom link
In-person dinner starts at 6PM, but you can eat whenever you want! The Zoom broadcast will be taking a station break from 5:00 to 6:30, when we will bring it back live for the keynote. You’ll be able to ask questions and comment in the chat and Q&A functions.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
No Zoom broadcast is scheduled for Tuesday, because in-person attendees will be at the Capitol. You can amplify their legislative visits on social media, and affirm your support for UWF’s legislative priorities by calling your legislators’ offices and letting them know you are there in spirit.
A Note About Legislative Visits
Legislative visits are a powerful way to advocate for your faith’s values. During the event, you’ll receive training from expert legislative advocates and professional lobbyists. Attendees will then meet with elected officials in person at the Capitol with visits scheduled by Texas Impact. (Texas Impact staff will be happy to assist virtual attendees to arrange legislative visits on Zoom at the conclusion of the event.) These visits are usually done in groups, with experienced women pairing with first timers. Generally, the legislators and their aides are glad to meet with their constituents, and these visits can be powerful. This experience will empower you to continue advocating after the event, too!
Please make hotel reservations directly with Holiday Inn: 512-451-5757. Use rate reservation code UWF. Rates are good through January 16, 2023. Room reservation includes complimentary buffet breakfast and free overnight parking. Room rates:
- 2 person occupancy $129/night
- 3-4 person occupancy $149/night
Scholarships and Stipends
If cost is a barrier, we may be able to help. We want you to come! Funds for scholarships and stipends are limited, so please apply early.
Scholarships are for women 15-40 years old, and cover half the cost of registration. To apply for a scholarship, please complete this brief application form.
Stipends are intended to assist with unusual or undue expenses including but not limited to travel costs; cost of substitute care for a dependent; unpaid time off from work; or other barriers to your participation. To request a stipend, please please complete this brief application form.
Refund Policy
- Switch from in-person registration to virtual registration before January 22: refund registration price difference, minus $50 administrative fee
- Cancel registration on or before December1: full refund minus, $50 administrative fee
- Cancel registration between December 2 – January 13: 50% refund, minus $50 administrative fee
- Cancel after January 13: no refunds given
Refund requests must be made in writing (email or letter) and sent to Legislative Event Registrar Terry Schoenert at
About United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith is a faith-based membership organization of laywomen formerly known as United Methodist Women and closely tied to the United Methodist Church. UWF is organized for mission and its members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and building the lives of women, children and youth. United Women in Faith and its predecessor configurations have been in mission for 150 years!
Any woman who wants to belong to and participate in the global mission of United Women in Faith and who commits herself to the purpose can become a member of United Women in Faith. The purpose of United Women in Faith is to be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
United Women in Faith’s principles and values include:
- Promoting the empowerment of women, children and youth.
- Promoting anti-racism and multiculturalism.
- Promoting inclusion and equity.
- Promoting fair labor practices.
- Promoting economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability.
The United Women in Faith believe love in action can transform the world. We act in faith to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. Formerly known as United Methodist Women, we equip women for leadership, offer educational experiences, and serve and advocate to make a difference. Sisters from all faith communities are welcomed to learn and advocate with us …. for such a time as this!