Recent Articles
Civic Engagement
March 5: Where Do We Go From Here?
For ten years, the Texas Legislature has been a divided body. The extreme wing of the Republican Party controlled the Senate and the traditional wing of the Republican Party controlled the House. That ended on Tuesday. A House Speaker’s job is to “protect the...
Texas Public Schools Are Still Safe for Every Faith
Since last summer, our members have been urging their local school boards not to create a “new school chaplain program” as required by SB 763. Overwhelmingly, Texas school boards have agreed. Today is the deadline for school boards to vote, and we are pleased to...
Advancing Issues through Elections
The most successful issue organizations in American history achieved that success by injecting their issue into the primary of both political parties. The railroad tycoon, Jay Gould, succinctly summarized the strategy when he said, “I’m a Republican in a Republican...
Climate Justice
PUC Announces Finalists for Texas Energy Fund
Yesterday the Public Utility Commission announced the selection of the project proposals which will receive funding from the Texas Energy Fund. The Texas Energy Fund is public money set aside by SB2627 for the Public Utility Commission to issue loans to support...
Lawsuit Calls for Humane Conditions in Overheated Texas Prisons
A lawsuit filed by a cohort of Texas prison-rights advocates against the executive director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice accuses the department of creating inhumane conditions inside Texas prisons by failing to air condition the facilities. The lawsuit...
Climate Change Drives Change on Maine Coast
I am taking a break this week from talking about the Gulf of Mexico to spend a few minutes talking about my summer family travel to another gulf, the Gulf of Maine. Like the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Maine is experiencing rapid environmental change driven by climate...
Economic Justice
Thank Your Legislator for Supporting Public Schools: Order a Yard Sign
Thank your legislator for supporting Texas public schools: display a yard sign letting them know you appreciate their courage and commitment! Signs are 1-sided, and include a space for you to write your representative's name. Each sign comes with a wire display frame....
Take Action Now: Say NO to Vouchers
Since the first week of October, Texas Impact has collected nearly 4,000 letters signed by people of faith from across Texas telling their representatives they oppose a private school voucher program. Texas Impact staff and volunteers are ensuring that every...
Religious Liberty Groups Praise Districts Rejecting Public School Chaplains
Texas chaplains are leading the fight against “chaplains” replacing counselors in public schools.AUSTIN—More than ten Texas school districts already rejected the option to replace public school counselors with “chaplains.” These districts stretch across the state,...
Human Rights
Ep.402 Opposing Christian Nationalism
This week we are joined by Amanda Tyler, Executive Director of the BJC, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, leading the organization as it upholds the historic Baptist principle of religious liberty: defending the free exercise of religion and...
Human Mobility in Guadalajara with The Rhizome Center for Migrants
The Rhizome Center for Migrants hosts a one-week immersive learning experience in Guadalajara, Mexico. I am part of the 10th immigration learning group cohort in attendance with some brilliant immigration professionals including an immigration law professor, an...
Comment on TEA’s Proposed Reading Curriculum
NEW: Register for the technical assistance webinar on August 6 The Texas Education Agency is proposing to include Bible stories in elementary school reading materials. The agency is accepting public comments on the materials until August 16. Texas Impact and...