Texas Climate & Energy
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Texas is the largest energy-producing and energy-consuming state in the nation. Texas produces more electricity than any other state, generating almost twice as much as Florida, the second-highest electricity-producing state. Thus, Texas has a disproportionate impact on the ability of the U.S. and the global community to mitigate climate change. Texas also can be an energy justice leader, ensuring that energy production doesn’t harm vulnerable communities, and energy is available even to the marginalized.
Light and Life
Using the Public Utility Commission of Texas Sunset Review to Safeguard Texans’ Health and Wellbeing
The upcoming 2022-2023 Sunset review of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, offers a unique opportunity for Texas lawmakers to advance public health in the Lone Star State.
787 EcoFaith Dialogue, Listening and Action
This last summer was my first full summer in Texas, and as many of you know it was a doozy. While we were living about 80 days of torturous 100-degree weather and sunny-sided seasonal depression, I couldn’t help but listen to all the Texans around me telling me it had...
Texas Impact Staff Attend South Central Climate Resilience Forum
When you are working on something as challenging as climate change advocacy, it is important to find things to give you hope. That was the message Katharine Hayhoe gave us as the keynote speaker of the South Central Climate Resilience Forum, a gathering of scientists,...
Texas Impact Climate Action Team
Have you ever wondered why last summer was so much hotter than the summers you remember as a child? Have you tried to strike up a conversation about PUC rulemaking with your hairdresser/mechanic/neighbor but been disappointed they didn’t want to talk about it as much...
New Tax Incentive Law Brings Up Environmental Justice Concerns
Texas Tribune recently reported that several petrochemical companies who are beneficiaries of a tax incentive program designed to lure industry to the state are also frequent violators of state and federal air quality regulations. The article refers to a report by the...
TCEQ Releases Climate Emissions Inventory, Mitigation Plan
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality recently released its Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Priority Action Plan for the State of Texas (PAP). The plan was developed as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grants...
Challenges and Successes in Texas Energy and Climate News
When it comes to energy and climate news from West Texas, it is the best of times and the worst of times. Let’s start with the worst. On Tuesday afternoon, wildfires in the northern Texas Panhandle spread out of control, growing from 100,000 acres earlier in the day...
Weather and Climate Disasters Threaten Church Property Insurance
Austin-based news station KXAN reported this week that dozens of United Methodist churches in Texas have found themselves struggling to find property insurance this year. Without property insurance, churches, many of whom have large and sprawling facilities, are...
Texas Interfaith Power and Light Methane Lent Series
In the Christian tradition, Lent is a time of reflection about the ways we have missed the mark and the ways we would like to do better in the next year. Texas Interfaith Power and Light has put together a Lenten series of reflections focused on the environmental...
Pipeline Safety Agency In Process of Updating Pipeline Rules
Yesterday I pulled up to the curb in front of a music studio where one of my children takes guitar lessons and noticed for the first time a sign posted in the grass in front of the building that indicated the presence of a gas pipeline under the property. I noticed...
Why Does Texas Railroad Commission Oppose EPA Methane Rule?
While Texas Impact staff were in Dubai at COP28 we celebrated the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement of new, strong methane rules. As a reminder, the new methane rule requires oil and gas producers to stop methane leaks from their...