Texas Interfaith Advocacy Days is your opportunity to sharpen your advocacy skills; get updates on hot policy issues; and network with Texans of faith and conscience from around the state. Whether you are a policy newbie or an old Capitol hand, there will be information and skills you can use, with engaging speakers and interactive sessions.
Advocacy means putting faith into action.
Your faith has everything to do with public life. Texas Impact can help you connect your values to political advocacy in an authentic, effective way. We provide information, experiences, and outreach tools you can make an informed decision about using your voice to advocate for others.
People of faith can help bridge the gap.
Texas is a big, diverse state, with a young, dynamic, and growing population. But there are many challenges we face. Disparities in health, education and quality of life abound, and the gap between those in power and those who have been marginalized continues to widen.
Texas Impact exists to put faith into action. We equip faith leaders and their congregations with the information, opportunities, and outreach tools to educate their communities and engage with lawmakers on pressing public policy issues. We are an interfaith group that works together on issues that impact the most vulnerable people in our communities. We strive to give voice to the powerless. We help people live out their faith in the public square, moving the faith community from charity to justice.
Our Story
Texas Impact is our state’s oldest and largest interfaith legislative network, representing more than 5 million Texans. Texas Impact’s mission is to provide a presence of religious social concern to the Texas Legislature, designed to influence public policy on behalf of the poor, the disadvantaged, and victims of discrimination.
Texas Impact was established in 1973, in response to the Sharpstown scandal. Texas Impact was founded on the central religious conviction that religious communities are called to minister to the whole person—to respond with compassion to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of all people. The religious leaders who established Texas Impact believed that such a ministry cannot be performed adequately without a concern for basic social problems at the state government level.
Equipping Faith Communities
Texas Impact is a convener, bringing together faith leaders from all backgrounds to join forces and influence change at the Texas Capitol and beyond.
Spotlighting Faith Leaders
Texas Impact provides a platform for faith leaders to stand united on issues of justice for all.
The Power of Your Story
Texas Impact believes in the power of experiential learning. Your voice, your stories and your experiences are powerful and impactful. We help amplify your voice and connect you with public policymakers to share them.
Demystifying the Process
Texas Impact is a resource for your congregation. We provide education and opportunities for your community to become informed and effective We help to demystify the legislative process and shed light on the important role everyday people can have on public policy.
The Tools You Need
Texas Impact develops research that helps educate communities of faith on key public policy issues.
A Unifying Voice
Raising our collective, interfaith voice requires time, energy, and resources.
Thank you for helping us bring more voices to the table.

More Unites Us Than Divides Us
Texas Impact is an interfaith organization. We bring together diverse people from across Texas to advocate on behalf of a common good.
With members in every legislative district in Texas, we represent the voices of mainstream faith communities. Our membership includes denominational bodies, social action networks, local congregations, ministerial alliances, and individuals.
According to an independent analysis by a bipartisan public relations firm, our members are more civically engaged and less partisan than other Texas voters. Our individual membership is evenly split in party affiliation, and our individual members are four times more likely to vote in primary elections than the average Texas registered voter.
Connecting Lawmakers and Constituents
Faith leaders are influential members of their communities. They can be helpful avenues to share important public education messages, while also sharing the voice and concerns of faith-based constituents with policymakers at every level of government.