
This past Sunday, Wellspring UMC kicked-off October with a letter writing project as part of their “World Communion Sunday” celebration with the theme, “The World at Our Borders”. Texas Impact staff joined Wellspring UMC to share resources and information on the current situation on Operation Lone Star (OLS) and the DIGNIDAD Act of 2023. Various Wellspring UMC members wrote letters on the spot to their congressional representatives and to the Texas governor. Not only did they write for an end to the inhumanity of OLS, but also urged for support of real immigration solutions in Congress, such as the DIGNIDAD Act. 

A direct quote from Wellspring UMC member, Janice Wallace: “Fabi and Heather’s presence was such a gift. I think it helped underscore how cruel and unseemly it is to treat immigrants as enemy invaders and that we as people of faith must counter that with love.” The “invasion” rhetoric of our migrant brothers and sisters has indeed proven to be extremely harmful. We know that strong faith voices are needed to consistently remind those in positions of power what our faith values dictate, and that the faith community will not ever idly stand by when they witness injustice. 

With the above in mind, the Texas Legislature’s third Special Session will commence on Monday October 9, 2023. This special session will include bills on border security, with the state further seeking to continue to violate federal immigration laws by implementing State piecemeal legislation that endangers all of us, so stay tuned for future actions.  


“Your support will amplify our message and make our collective voice harder to ignore. If you’d like to read the full letter before making a decision, please find it attached. Should you choose to sign on, kindly fill out this form by October 18, 2023.”

“The Frontera Texas Organizing Project, an initiative of the Border Network for Human Rights based in El Paso, TX is sponsoring this sign-on letter to urge the Department of Justice to conduct a comprehensive criminal investigation in response to the Texas State-sanctioned Operation Lone Star (OLS) and it’s alarming impacts on civil and human rights, and we believe that having your esteemed name and organization behind our efforts would make a significant impact.”

“This is an opportunity for border residents, community organizations, and allies to once again, resoundingly warn the DOJ about the harms perpetuated under OLS. As a collective voice, we must advocate for swift action and ask them to provide Texas border and immigrant advocates with the necessary tools and support to stand against the unconstitutional Operation Lone Star (OLS).”

“We are accepting sign-on from any organization regardless of their location.”


  • Texas Impact 2023 Issue Brief on Operation Lone Star here
  • Support proposed federal immigration legislation such as the DIGNIDAD Act of 2023 (Texas Impact’s informational webinar and blog) by calling your members of Congress
  • Join Texas Impact’s Courts & Ports program for an immersive understanding of immigration policies and its real impact on migrants, border communities, and beyond, so that you can be better equipped to take action from your own community.