
As our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of another heartbreaking tragedy in our state we also must look forward toward actionable steps. Here are potential ways we can immediately help the victims in Uvalde. 


“Words of outrage are not enough to express our hatred of this evil done to little children who simply went to school this morning. Expressions of sorrow scarcely touch the depth of families’ grief tonight. There is nothing we can say today to comfort the parents, siblings, and grandparents whose lives were left in ruins by this evil violence. 

What we have to offer is ourselves. To turn ourselves, our hearts and minds, to those who are suffering in Uvalde – to reach out our hands to lift up and to extend our arms to embrace – this is what we have to offer, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, and following him in whatever ways are available into the pain and brokenness of our brothers and sisters in Uvalde and at St. Philip’s Church. We have received power to love and to resist hatred.” 

Bishop of West Texas, David Reed 


“We pray for each family who has lost a beloved child, a parent, a friend; we pray for those who have witnessed horror, and are wounded in body or spirit, for each of them is a child made in your image. We pray for ourselves, that we will find strength to support the brokenhearted, grace to find our way in the darkness of grief, anger and loss; light to sense your presence, even in the valley of the shadow of death. Restore our hopes, our hearts, even as we weep with grief and tremble with anger. Fill us, your wounded, willing people, with a peace that passes understanding, the courage to nurture healing and hope, and the willingness to bear the Christ light, even in these days of shadow. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.”

General Presbyter Sally Watson


“Earlier today, a young man murdered at least 19 children and two adults on the territory of our synod. This is yet one more unspeakable tragedy that breaks our hearts. While we do not have a congregation in Uvalde, we do have family members and friends who are part of that small community, and those children could have been our children.  When one member of the body hurts, we all hurt. 

Let us pray:

God of resurrection, we remember before you those who have died, children, teachers, and staff of Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde, Texas. We commend them to your eternal love. Grant healing and wholeness to the survivors who are wounded or traumatized, and restore all whose spirits are maimed by such violence. That we may serve as your arms of care to those in distress, we pray: make us instruments of your peace. Amen.”

Bishop Sue Briner


“When does it end?  How many kids have to die before the most sophisticated country in the world can figure out how to stop this?  How many times will we get angry?  How many letters will we need to write?  How much more lobbying do we have to do?  It’s not a matter of what to do to stop this madness, it’s a matter of having the will to do it. 

And so, perhaps more than ever must we raise our voices and spirits to say this hatred and violence is not who we are, not who we wish to become, not the legacy we choose to leave for our children.”

Rabbi at Temple Shalom, Andrew Paley


Imam Azhar Subedar from Faith Forward Texas speaking on Uvalde tragedy.


“O God our Father, whose beloved Son took children into his arms and blessed them: Give us grace to entrust your beloved children of Uvalde to your everlasting care and love, and bring them fully into your heavenly kingdom. Pour out your grace and loving-kindness on all who grieve; surround them with your love; and restore their trust in your goodness.”

 C. Andrew “Andy” Doyle, author and IX Bishop of Texas


“I ask the people of the Diocese of Austin to join me in prayer as we mourn the loss of life in today’s school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. I am deeply saddened by this tragic event that took the lives of so many innocent children and their teachers. My prayers go out to all the victims, their families, friends, and the entire Uvalde community.”

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez


“Gracious God, the news of the shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas has ripped our hearts and torn our souls. O God, our rock and our refuge you are our only comfort. You are our only hope. You know the depth of our suffering. We have only begun to mourn those we’ve lost.”

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)


“We in the El Paso community know this pain very well. Despite our experience with this evil we still cannot possibly fathom the loss of innocent children whose lives were snuffed out by a young man with a gun. We pledge to renew our efforts in the Church to assist in finding ways to more effectively identify people at risk of such behavior and to push for reasonable limits to the proliferation of firearms. Our prayers are with the Uvalde Community. We stand with them in faith, love, and solidarity. In the face of unbearable grief and pain, we pray that the love of Christ envelope the families of those that lost life today.”

Catholic Diocese of El Paso


“We pray for the students, teachers, & community of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. We especially pray for the family members and loved ones who are left with an unfathomable heartache of loss. Be near to the brokenhearted. We also pray for the injured that are fighting for their very lives right now. We pray for and honor the first responders, law enforcement, and medical professionals. While we clearly condemn the evil act of the shooter…yet we pray for his family as they process and mourn this unconscionable act.

In a culture that feels as if we’ve normalized violence, may our hearts remain tender, broken, and resolute over such senseless violence. Convict us to know that even in a broken world, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Lord, in your mercy. Amen.”

Pastor Eugene Cho


“God have mercy on our children, their families, their communities. Darkness is dense with one more shooting in our country. Let us help one another to spark light and warmth. May we keep each other in company. Prayers are needed.”

Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller


‘“How long, O Lord?” Join in praying for all who were killed in today’s shooting in #Uvalde TX and for God’s comfort to surround the survivors, victims’ families and community in this awful time.”

North Texas Conference of The UMC


“To the victims and the families of those impacted by the horrific incident in Uvalde today, we grieve and weep with you. To our patients and clients, partners, and team members who feel the terrible weight of this tragedy, we mourn and stand alongside you to support our community.”

Methodist Healthcare Ministries 


“Do not look away. Each of these faces is a divine imprint on a human body. Each of these children and each of these teachers was a whole world. Do not look away.”

Rabbi Emily Cohen