  • Create a one-page fact sheet about your group explaining your study and how you hope to engage with lawmakers around climate change. Make sure everyone in the group has a copy of the fact sheet. You should take this fact sheet with you to any meetings you attend, and use it as the basis for phone conversations and anything you write.
  • Meet with a lawmaker to discuss the need for strong US climate leadership. Use your fact sheet and other resources you collect during this study.
  • Have every member of your group call their own representatives and senators to urge them to take strong climate action.
  • Submit an op-ed, essay, or letter to a local or denominational publication about your group’s study. Explain why you are undertaking it and what you plan to do with the insights you gain.
  • Collect current climate advocacy materials from your faith community’s national office, Texas Impact, or other groups you work with, and use the materials you collect to prepare an issue one-pager to use in your meetings with lawmakers.
  • Attend a local government meeting such as a city council or county commissioners’ meeting. Have one or more members of your group speak during the public comment period. Share the information you have learned in your study.
  • Hold a pre-meeting with your group before attending your meetings with lawmakers. Decide what you want to talk about and what questions you want to ask. Assign roles for the meeting.
  • After your meetings with lawmakers, complete a legislative visit evaluation form for each visit.