
Prayer of Confession for COP 24:

God of Creation,

You once walked with Adam and Eve in the garden of creation, giving them access to your beautiful paradise. Tempted by the power of evil, Adam and Eve took your gift and desecrated it against your instruction. Expelled from the garden, we the descendents of Adam and Eve have sought your paradise ever since. And yet, we have followed in the footsteps of our ancestors and have continued to desecrate the earth, that wonder which you so lovingly created and placed in our hands. Forgive us God, for the ways in which we have hurt creation, for the ways in which we have hurt each other, and for the ways in which we have hurt you. Help us to admit the ways our actions have caused damage, sometimes irreparably, so that we work towards a just reconciliation for all creation.

In the name and example of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen