Recent Articles
Civic Engagement
Post-Election Sanctuary: A Time to Reflect and Re-Group
On Wednesday morning, we probably won't know who the next President of the United States is going to be. We will be in a liminal space, and many of us may feel...antsy. But we'll still be a community, and our neighbors will still be our neighbors. While we can't all...
Ep. 410 Helping Each Other Build Our Community: Houston Faith Votes and Continuous Civic Engagement
We are less than two weeks away from early voting kicking off in Texas, so what better time to welcome back to the program Rebecca McIlwain, Texas Impact’s Houston Faith Votes Project Manager. The Houston Faith Votes team and their cohort of congregations in the...
2025-2026 Texas Impact Legislative Agenda with Downloadables
Download the full-color PDF Download the grayscale PDF (best for printing your own copies) Click the image below to read the agenda online
Climate Justice
A Strange Way to Start: COP29 is Underway
COP29 started in Baku, Azerbaijan on Monday, November 11, 2024. The conference began with a plenary session during which the COP28 president, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, offered some reflections on COP28 (last year, in Dubai, UAE). Dr. Al Jaber then passed the gavel to the...
Regina Banks: Showing up to COP29 as a Black American Woman
To be a Black American woman in international problem-solving spaces right now is to show up to the event excited to see friends and family while making excuses for a spouse who ‘had to work late’ and hiding visible bruises beneath pancake makeup and long sleeves....
Tell TCEQ to Adopt a Strong State Implementation Plan for Methane
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule in December 2023 that would drastically cut methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. That is great news for the climate and for Texans. Now it is time for Texas to help implement the new rule and...
Economic Justice
Public School Defenders Are Ready to Mobilize
One of Texas Impact’s teams of committed advocates are the Public School Defenders, a group of Texans who meet every Friday to discuss issues concerning the Texas Public Education system. Over 215 members are signed up to receive weekly updates on actions they can...
Comment on TEA’s Proposed Reading Curriculum
NEW: Register for the technical assistance webinar on August 6 The Texas Education Agency is proposing to include Bible stories in elementary school reading materials. The agency is accepting public comments on the materials until August 16. Texas Impact and...
Journey to Ghana
Imagine a room filled with the brightest minds in contemporary theology, vibrating with excitement and sharing groundbreaking ideas. This was the atmosphere at Sankofa Conference 2024, held in Legon, Ghana, where Pastors, Professors, Scientists, and Activists alike,...
Human Rights
Invitation to Learn, Discern, and Reflect on Immigration with our Courts & Ports Program
We currently have a complex immigration system of laws and policies at our border that function to ensnare people seeking safety into a further labyrinth of confusion and suffering. While there are also built in regulations and procedures to safeguard the human rights...
Look Back for a Better Future – Help Us Make Memorials Today
Texas Impact’s gun violence prevention and awareness campaign, Vidas Robadas, has been going strong for over a year now. The project, which creates memorials for victims of gun violence, has a big day coming up – as a part of the Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun...
2025-2026 Texas Impact Legislative Agenda with Downloadables
Download the full-color PDF Download the grayscale PDF (best for printing your own copies) Click the image below to read the agenda online