Human rights are rights we have merely because we exist as human beings. They are inherent to all people, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the United Nations General Assembly adopted in 1948, establishes a modern framework for linking public policy and law to the theological and moral tenets shared across the world’s faith traditions.

Reproductive Health Policy
Texas has a long history of short-changing women’s health, especially for women of color and low-income women. Recent extreme bans on abortion have created an environment of fear and anxiety that is impacting all of women’s healthcare. Let’s fix this.

Vidas Robadas (Stolen Lives)
Vidas Robadas (Stolen Lives) is a Texas Impact project focused on addressing gun violence. Through memorializing victims of gun violence, Vidas Robadas localizes and makes visual the reality of gun violence for communities across our state.

Migration policy in the U.S. is primarily a national policy issue, but Texas plays a unique role because of our international border.

To truly be free, the 14th Amendment eliminates any doubt that religious freedom is a right each individual equally shares. Therefore, government may not permit adherents of one faith to harm non-adherents as an expression of faith.
Senate Committee Sub for HB7
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Texas House Floor Debate of SB14
Transcript of the House Floor Debate of SB14 May 12, 2023On May 12, 2023, the Texas House debated SB14 by Sen. Bryan Hughes, sponsored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, which would ban all...
This is Not a Fire Drill
If you have 60 seconds on Monday to call a legislative office, please call your state representative and urge them to remove the unregulated militia provisions from HB 20 when it...
48: Ep. 248 Listen to the Families: Texans Plead for Common Sense Gun Laws
This week Scott welcomes two advocates in the struggle for common sense gun control. Christina Delgado, Southwest Regional Advocacy Associate with the Community Justice Action...
Call to Faith In Action: Team Brownsville Needs All Hands on Deck
Militarized Response to Humanitarian Crisis As I detailed in a previous post, Title 42 is nearing its end on May 11, 2023 and as a result many changes in processing of asylum...
Biden Manage Migration Plan: Seek Asylum from Your Home Country
TLDR: On April 27th, Biden Administration officials announced their plans to help manage migration in light of Title 42, a pandemic health policy set to expire on May 11th. Use...