

In 2020, Texas’ overall poverty rate was 13.6%, placing the state 40th among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 3. 8 million Texans were poor in 2020. White Texans experience poverty at a far lower rate than other groups: 18.7% of Latino Texans, 18.6% of African American Texans, 15.1% of Native American Texans, and 9.2% of Asian American Texans were poor in 2020, compared to 8.0% of White Texans.  



Texas Impact Joins State Parks Coalition

Texas Impact Joins State Parks Coalition

This year, Texas is celebrating the 100th anniversary of our system of State Parks. To mark the centennial, Texans statewide will have the opportunity to vote on November 7th  to...

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Labor Day Litany

Labor Day Litany

Litany for Texas Workers for Sunday, September 3, 2023 (Adapt for Your Faith Tradition)   God, we ask your presence and blessing upon workers, this Labor Day and every day. ...

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