

The Texas Constitution of 1876 guarantees children the right to a free public education because it is “essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people.” Those words reference the long-established thought of those like Thomas Jefferson who argued that public education is essential to preserving a democracy, and that the democracy had the duty to provide that education universally. Nevertheless, our body politic has long suffered the iniquities of racism, sectarianism, and self-interest in the provision of a public education that threatens our children and our democracy. People of faith continue to be essential advocates for an adequate and equitable system of public education so that every child has the opportunity to fulfill their human potential.  


Send a Letter to Legislators: Public Dollars Belong in Public Schools

Make sure your legislators know you oppose vouchers! Even if you’re sure your legislator is with you on the issue, they still need to know that you are with them and will have their back when they are taking the tough votes.


Add Your Name: Texans Oppose Public School Chaplains

Make sure your school board members know Texans of faith and conscience don’t want chaplains in our public schools. Add your name to the petition now!





Ep.402 Opposing Christian Nationalism

Ep.402 Opposing Christian Nationalism

This week we are joined by Amanda Tyler, Executive Director of the BJC, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, leading the organization as it upholds the historic...

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