Global Climate Policy
Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations and its member States have been working to advance public policies that protect life on Earth by protecting the environment that supports life. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the foundation for much of this work. Faith communities participate in the UNFCCC’s processes.

What’s Next for Climate
The 2019 United Nations climate negotiations, COP25, are over—and they did not go well, despite being the longest negotiation session since the first COP 25 years ago. However,...
Live from COP25 – Day Six
My second day at COP 25 was 12/10/19. The attendees are very diverse. There are both men and women, young and old, but mostly white and English speakers. Every session I have...
The Faith Community and Climate Change
Today I attended a training led by GreenFaith, an environmental faith-based organization, currently based in the USA but looking to go international. In the midst of busy...
Live from COP25 – Day Five
Today was my first day ay COP25 which is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. I am an observer representing Texas Impact. I currently serve on their Board...
Launch of the Intergovernmental Declaration on Children, Youth, and Climate Action
Today at COP25, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment, alongside UNICEF and several...
The U.S. Fossil
Americans are used to hearing that the United States is a climate delinquent. Since President Trump has initiated the process of withdrawing the US from the Paris Agreement,...
Live from COP25 – Day Four
Welcome to Madrid Spain and COP25. Today is the fourth day and the theme for today is Young and Future Generations Day. Robin began her day at the United...
Leaders of Today: Young and Future Generations Day at COP25
Today was Young and Future Generations Day at COP25 and the youth climate leaders were out in full force. There were plenty of side events led by youth leaders, an award ceremony...
Live from COP25 – Day Three
Today we had the joy of participating in a small group from the faith community with George Marshall on the topic, “Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore...
Live from COP25 – Day Two
Day 2 at COP25 began with a plenary session giving an overview of the theme of the day – EarthDay. This was a session very heavily influenced by scientific data. The first part...