Global Climate Policy
Since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations and its member States have been working to advance public policies that protect life on Earth by protecting the environment that supports life. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the foundation for much of this work. Faith communities participate in the UNFCCC’s processes.

Lutheran Bishops Urge End to Operation Lone Star
This week, the three ELCA Lutheran bishops of Texas issued a joint letter to Governor Abbott urging him to end Operation Lone Star. The letter was coordinated by the ELCA AMMPARO...
This is Not a Fire Drill
If you have 60 seconds on Monday to call a legislative office, please call your state representative and urge them to remove the unregulated militia provisions from HB 20 when it...
The Path of Hope: A 4-Part Study for Faith Communities
The Path of Hope: A Study on Climate Action for Faith Communities is a discussion series built around four 15-minute videos. View The Path of Hope The videos feature interviews...
Urge Congress to Support International Climate Funding
The United States has shown that it is serious about meeting its domestic emissions reduction targets with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and other policies that...
A Minister, A Scientist, and a Diplomat Walk into a COP
Special contribution by Reverend Mel Caraway, Texas Interfaith Power & Light Coordinator I’m sure you’ve heard the story about three men who walked into a bar. Oh,...
Special contribution by Rev. Susannah Tuttle, Eco-Justice Connection Director, North Carolina Council of Churches The theme of COP 27 is #TogetherForImplementation. Of the many...
Statement on EPA Proposed Supplemental Methane Rule
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced its latest regulatory proposal to reduce substantially oil and gas methane pollution. The new draft builds on and...
Coffee, Tea, and Peace
During the first week of COP27, I participated in a briefing with US State Department negotiators; attended a speech by President Biden; and interviewed colleagues from US faith...
While representatives of national governments are parsing diplomatic language in meeting rooms at the climate negotiations, outside the rooms advocates from “civil society” use...
COP Day 3: Loss & Damages
With another day at COP done, I can feel myself orienting to the space and rhythm of the conference. Don’t get me wrong, COP is still chaotic and overwhelming, however, knowing...