
Tell Texas Lawmakers:

Two-thirds of Texas voters say Texas should expand Medicaid. Expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act would allow Texas to:

  • provide health insurance for one million Texans
  • save the Texas budget $2.3 billion
  • add $11 billion to our state’s economy

Thirty-eight states have already expanded Medicaid, including some very conservative states. Texas has had the highest uninsured rate in the nation for decades, and it is holding back many families and businesses from prospering and thriving. Those families and businesses deserve better. Medicaid expansion would be a game-changer for our state. It’s time to end the political inertia and get this done.

What's Medicaid and why should Texas expand it?

Scroll down to watch a short explainer video!

Watch Senator Nathan Johnson explain why Texas needs Medicaid expansion.