
Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impact are managing well so far during the COVID-19 pandemic. We started working from home on March 11, following the guidance of our national partners. None of our staff members or their families have become ill. Our staff are all working five days a week from home, and all are maintaining impressive productivity under the circumstances. We are holding weekly Zoom staff meetings; we are using Slack to manage daily workflow; and we have a master Google spreadsheet where we are tracking progress on projects and keeping track of staff activities.

Our staff definitely are finding the same challenges others are naming: difficulty sustaining concentration because of constant bombardment with COVID-19 information (which we feel we need to stay on top of because we get a lot of questions); sense of isolation, especially for our young staff members; stress for staff members juggling young children and 2 working parents; and universal anxiety. On the other hand, we feel fortunate that our jobs keep us in communication with many wise and loving clergy and nonprofit colleagues.