
Government 101



Light and Life

Using the Public Utility Commission of Texas Sunset Review to Safeguard Texans’ Health and Wellbeing

The upcoming 2022-2023 Sunset review of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, offers a unique opportunity for Texas lawmakers to advance public health in the Lone Star State. 


Ep.413 Every Day: Civility and Compassion for Community

Ep.413 Every Day: Civility and Compassion for Community

Election day is almost upon us! You have heard us talk for years about Texas’ low voter turnout and how that impacts public policy. If you are listening to this before election day, you have a chance to do something about that. Many of us are…

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Election Protection: Facts

Election Protection: Facts

Election Day is less than a week away, and many Americans have a justified worry about the security of our elections this time around. According to a poll by Associated...

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