Government 101
Light and Life
Using the Public Utility Commission of Texas Sunset Review to Safeguard Texans’ Health and Wellbeing
The upcoming 2022-2023 Sunset review of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, offers a unique opportunity for Texas lawmakers to advance public health in the Lone Star State.
Every Day in SA: Civility, Compassion, and Community
Join us for a community event featuring San Antonio faith and other community leaders modeling compassionate civility the day after Election Day 2024 as part of San Antonio’s...
Post-Election Sanctuary: A Time to Reflect and Re-Group
On Wednesday morning, we probably won't know who the next President of the United States is going to be. We will be in a liminal space, and many of us may feel...antsy. But we'll...
Ep.413 Every Day: Civility and Compassion for Community
Election day is almost upon us! You have heard us talk for years about Texas’ low voter turnout and how that impacts public policy. If you are listening to this before election day, you have a chance to do something about that. Many of us are…
Tell TCEQ to Adopt a Strong State Implementation Plan for Methane
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule in December 2023 that would drastically cut methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. That is great news for the...
Good Reads: Explainers from the National Immigration Forum
It takes a village to analyze U.S. immigration policy, and some of our favorite fellow villagers are the folks at the National Immigration Forum. Read some of their latest explainers here.
Ep.412 “It’s Who We Are” Rev. Richie Butler and Congregational Civic Engagement
We are about a week away from election day, and joining us for today’s conversation is Rev. Richie Butler, Senior Pastor at the historic St. Luke Community United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas. We are going to talk about their civic engagement…
Abortion Travel Bans – What’s Going On?
On the ballot for Amarillo this election cycle is a local measure that would ban travel through the city to receive an abortion somewhere else, which proponents of the measure...
Election Protection: Facts
Election Day is less than a week away, and many Americans have a justified worry about the security of our elections this time around. According to a poll by Associated...
Lets Talk About Guns: Bedside Manner and Violence Prevention
In Texas, we know that the culture and the politics around guns make addressing certain aspects of gun violence difficult. There has been significant pushback against any form of...
TCEQ Invites Public Comment on Methane Rule Planning
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is in the early stages of work to develop a State Implementation Plan to ensure Texas is in compliance with the Environmental...