
Hundreds of congregations have already embraced the ideologies behind creation care, promoting the stewardship of God’s creation. Religions and denominations can define “Creation Care” or “Environmental Stewardship” differently based on what those theories mean to them.

I define creation care as caring for all of God’s creation by preventing harmful activities that pollute the Earth while protecting his creation now and for all future generations. There are various ways to embody creation care from installing solar panels, composting, increasing building efficiency, and promoting environmental education. 

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with Executive Director Henry Owen of John Knox Ranch, who shared how their Christian community embodies the spirit and power of creation care. John Knox Ranch is a camp and retreat ministry program of Mission Presbytery, part of the Presbyterian Church USA. 

While speaking with Henry, he stated that creating a connection to the natural world was an integral part of their program and beliefs. He emphasized that developing a personal and emotional connection to nature is the baseline for creation care, especially for youth. “John Knox Ranch is where campers can go to experience god, love, and nature while connecting to all living things,” said Henry. 

This retreat ministry program has 300 acres, 250 of which are preserved, where campers hike, bike, camp, and explore. The facility is also developing several unique projects. One of which is obtaining a conservation easement on their property so that John Knox Ranch can retain ownership and selling rights to prevent future land development. Henry Owen and his team are committed to preserving its acreage while continuing to develop environmental educational opportunities. 

Some of the environmental programs they have are gardening, a composting system, a rainwater collection tank, and a nature play area. Those activities all incorporate an educational component so that young campers learn about the environmental benefits of these initiatives while becoming environmental stewards. Henry is also working on getting a solar panel grant and incorporating additional green efficiency building standards into their facilities. 

John Knox Ranch has done an excellent job of incorporating creation care into its camp and retreat ministry program. They have instilled environmental stewardship and a spiritual connection to nature in Christian youth, and I look forward to their continued creation care work. 

To learn more about Henry Owen, John Knox Ranch, and how they embody creation care, please visit their website. John Knox Ranch