
Common Concerns: Shared Stories for Texas Women

It’s an important time for Texans from across the political spectrum to talk with each other about reproductive health policy…but it’s often hard to know where to start. Texas Impact has developed programming to support individuals and groups that want to engage in intentional conversations about the Texas abortion ban and related reproductive policy issues. 

The program, “Common Concerns: Shared Stories for Texas Women,” provides resources and optional facilitation for small group discussions. Our Common Concerns initiative is an opportunity for you to learn, discuss, and find out what you can do to work to strengthen reproductive policy in Texas. Whether you feel comfortable leading a structured discussion or you just want to participate in a small group conversation, there are plenty of ways to plug in.

Common Concerns Listening Circles:

Talking About Abortion Policy in a Safe, Respectful Setting

Sign up to participate in or host a Common Concerns Listening Circle

Common Concerns Listening Circles are structured events with trained facilitators.

Each listening circle consists of a trained facilitator, a host, and 8 participants. The listening circle starts with a short framing video, after which each participant shares her perspectives and listens to the perspectives of the others in the circle.

Each listening circle lasts about 90 minutes from start to finish. Listening circles take place in homes or other locations that offer privacy and encourage open discussion in an environment of safety and love.

Listening circles are intentionally bipartisan. We are hopeful that through thoughtful interaction, participants can identify reproductive policy issues that are truly of “common concern,” and consider whether there are solutions that could garner bipartisan support.

Common Concerns Coffees

Self-facilitated discussions using our discussion guides

Common Concerns Coffees are informal conversations led by the host using our videos, discussion guides, and toolkit for taking action after the event. Consider holding a coffee for your women’s group program; as a Sunday school class; or for neighbors.