by Bee Moorhead | Mar 15, 2021 | Action Alerts, Latest Posts, Legislative
Week of March 15, 2021 Top Priority: Voting Rights Support Ballot Tracking: HB 1382 by Bucy A top priority issue for Texas Impact, HB1382 would create an electronic tracking system so a voter would be able to track the status of their application to vote by mail, as...
by Bee Moorhead | Mar 1, 2021 | Action Alerts
March 1, 2021 Tell Lawmakers Texans Need Clean, Affordable, Reliable Power In response to the February power crisis, committees in both the Texas House and Senate held hearings last week. The hearings lasted for two days, and featured presentations from energy...
by Bee Moorhead | Jan 12, 2021 | Blog, Latest Posts, Legislative
Legislators return to the Capitol in what is in many ways a time of uncertainty…but Texans can take comfort in the rhythms and routines that guide our legislative processes. By the end of the week, the House and Senate will adopt rules that will govern their...
by Bee Moorhead | Jan 11, 2021 | Legislative
2021 Service of Public Witness
by Bee Moorhead | Oct 24, 2020 | Economic Justice, Faith Communities, Resources