
Faith Climate Action Week is ten days in April during Earth Month where Interfaith Power and Light congregations focus on how they can actively protect God’s creation. Interfaith Power and Light is a coalition of congregations embracing faith, community, justice, and love in order to achieve bold and just climate change action. This year’s Faith Climate Action Week theme is Sacred Trust: Our Children’s Right to a Livable Future. 

Earth Month is a month-long emphasis on caring for the planet and living sustainably. Faith communities can demonstrate their love and support for the planet and human well-being during the month of April. Wisconsin junior Senator Gaylord Nelson, alongside Peter McCloskey, Republican Congressman, and young activist Denis Hayes, inspired the first Earth Day in 1970 by holding a college campus teach-in on environmentalism. Since then, Earth Day has blossomed into a globally recognized celebration every April 22nd, having mobilized over 1 Billion individuals for Earth Day action. 

The Interfaith Power and Light website list several Faith Climate Action Week activities, where you can locate your state and find unique climate activities during April and May! If you or your organization is hosting Earth Month opportunities, please list your events on the IPL website and share your creation care work with a broader community. 

There are multiple chances to take part in Faith Climate Action Week; here are just five ways you can be involved!

  1. Gather your Faith Climate Action Week Organizer’s Kit!
  2. Join people of faith across the nation for a National Climate Prayer on Earth Day!
  3. Learn how to preach and teach about creation care!
  4. Host a thought-provoking movie screening of Youth v Gov!
  5. Stay notified about Faith Climate Action Week Resources!

Is your organization engaging in Earth Month activities? Let us know!