
This week is going to be a very bad week for LGBTQ equality. The news cycle will be consumed with anti-LGBTQ bills practically all week. In this action alert, we have prioritized the worst of the worst: ending gender affirming care — currently the best practice known to medical science — for children experiencing gender dysphoria. Our LGBTQ rights team is fully engaged and coordinating with other equality organizations on all the bills. If you have not already joined, then you may do so here


Additionally, there are good and bad bills on a number of topics, and not all are included here. That’s because some are moving targets — like the electric grid — and you will hear about them soon when they emerge from the committee process. Others are more fully worked out — for better or worse — and need your action now. 


This week’s committee agendas have bills on maternal mortality, disaster resilience and voting rights. Floor action also is beginning in both chambers. As always at this point in session, be on the lookout for supplemental action alerts in the middle of the week. Senate committees only require 48 hours notice, and rules regularly are suspended. Additionally, you never know for sure what will come up on the Senate floor. 


House Public Health

Monday, March 27 

E2.036 at 8 AM


Oppose HB 1686 by Oliverson. HB 1686 would prohibit gender affirming care for minors, including hormone therapies. The bill would exempt children born intersex, which would allow parents and doctors to impose a gender on an infant born intersex. The bill would also prohibit any public money from being used in the CHIP program, and contains a provision that would allow the Attorney General to bring a civil action against parents and providers. HB 1686 is the companion to SB 14 by Campbell (below).


Support HB 663 & 852 by Thierry. HB 663 & 852 would improve the data collection related to maternal mortality and morbidity in Texas, and expand the membership of the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee.


HB 1847 by Howard also would adjust current law to improve the work of the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee. 


Get these bills moving! The following bills have not been scheduled for committee hearings yet. There are only two more weeks left in the prime window for bills to be heard in their originating chamber. Urge Chair Klick to hear these bills before April 15.



HB 647 by Hinojosa would allow individuals who sign advance directives and do-not-resuscitate orders to specify modifications to their orders that would apply if they are pregnant.


HB 979 by Howard would create an exception to Texas’ prohibition on abortion in cases of rape or incest.


HB 2215 by Howard would provide vital clarification that doctors may perform abortions if in the doctor’s best medical judgment, abortion is necessary to preserve the pregnant patient’s life, future fertility, or physical or mental health, or is requested because of a lethal fetal anomaly.


Call the House Public Health Committee

Chair: Rep. Stephanie Klick – (855) 701-2295

Vice Chair: Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Campos – (866) 695-0632

Rep. Nicole Collier – (866) 573-1657

Rep. Jacey Jetton – (855) 942-3074

Rep. Ann Johnson – (866) 721-0892

Rep. Jolanda “Jo” Jones – (866) 730-0849

Rep. Venton Jones – (866) 631-6167

Rep. Tom Oliverson – (855) 702-6654

Rep. Four Price – (855) 704-0109

Rep. Reggie Smith – (855) 918-1295

Rep. Tony Tinderholt – (866) 573-1656


Senate Floor

Likely Monday, March 27 


Oppose SB 14 by Campbell. SB 14 would prohibit gender affirming care for minors, including hormone therapies. The bill would exempt children born intersex, which would allow parents and doctors to impose a gender on an infant born intersex. The bill would also prohibit any public money from being used in the CHIP program, and contains a provision that would allow the Attorney General to bring a civil action against parents and providers. SB 14 by Campbell is the companion to HB 1686 (above). 


Call your state senator.


Senate State Affairs

Monday, March 27

Senate Chamber at 9 AM


Support SB 477 by Zaffirini. SB 477 would make it easier for persons with disabilities to vote, including giving priority in line to persons with disabilities and designating two parking spots for curbside voting.


Oppose SB 990 by Hall. SB 990 would eliminate the countywide polling place program, which means a person would have to vote in their precinct in those counties that currently allow countywide polling rather than being able to vote anywhere in the county. 


Call the Senate State Affairs Committee 

Chair: Sen. Hughes – (866) 730-0869

Vice Chair: Sen. Paxton – (866) 730-1371

Sen. Schwertner – (866) 730-1359

Sen. Perry – (866) 821-0521

Sen. Menendez – (866) 772-1954

Sen. Parker – (866) 730-1397

Sen. Zaffirini – (866) 770-7383

Sen. LaMantia – (866) 821-0518

Sen. Bettencourt – (866) 730-1365

Sen. Birdwell – (866) 770-7384

Sen. Middleton – (866) 730-1396


House Floor

Tuesday, March 28 


Support HB 300 by Howard. HB 300 would exempt diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, and maternity clothes from the sales tax, which makes the sales tax less regressive. 


Call your state representative. 


House Homeland Security

Tuesday, March 28

E2.012 at 2 PM


Support HB 570 by Raymond. HB 570 would have the Texas Division of Emergency Management conduct a study of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in order to make the state more resilient to increasing extreme weather events. 


Call the House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee

Chair: Rep. Ryan Guillen – (855) 737-9013

Vice Chair: Rep. Jarvis Johnson – (855) 738-4981

Rep. Rhetta Andrews Bowers – (855) 739-2182

Rep. Terry Canales – (855) 768-3031

Rep. Mark Dorazio – (855) 769-0800

Rep. Vikki Goodwin – (855) 772-2323

Rep. Sam Harless – (855) 685-2930

Rep. Justin Holland – (855) 774-9591

Rep. Ellen Troxclair – (855) 918-1293


House Ag & Livestock

Wednesday, March 29

E2.012 at 2 PM


Support HB 2886 by Gonzalez & HB 3322 by Goodwin. Both bills would create an office of food systems to promote food security. HB 2886 has the office focus more on the  demand side and HB 3322 focuses more on the supply side. Both would be good and complement each other. 


Support HB 3323 by Goodwin. HB 3323 would create a food system security and resiliency planning council that would create a food system security plan.


Call the House Agriculture & Livestock Committee

Chair: Rep. Briscoe Cain – (866) 721-0617

Vice Chair: Rep. Charles “Doc” Anderson – (866) 515-0772

Rep. Diego M. Bernal – (866) 695-0634

Rep. Vikki Goodwin – (855) 772-2323

Rep. Cody Harris – (855) 921-1364

Rep. Stan Kitzman – (866) 554-5253

Rep. Jon E. Rosenthal – (866) 721-0893

Rep. Kronda Thimesch – (866) 523-0494

Rep. Terry M. Wilson – (855) 921-1379


House Healthcare Reform

Thursday, March 30

E2.028 at 8 PM


Support HB 2873 by Howard. HB 2873 would create a strategic plan for improving maternal health. 


Call the House Select Committee on Healthcare Reform

Chair: Rep. Sam Harless – (855) 685-2930

Vice Chair: Rep. Donna Howard – (855) 685-2931

Rep. Greg Bonnen, M.D. – (855) 692-0017

Rep. John H. Bucy III – (855) 692-0019

Rep. James Frank – (855) 693-3927

Rep. Stephanie Klick – (855) 701-2295

Rep. Eddie Morales – (855) 701-2722

Rep. Tom Oliverson – (855) 702-6654

Rep. Four Price – (855) 704-0109

Rep. Toni Rose – (855) 704-0851

Rep. Armando Walle – (855) 704-2091


House Environmental Regulation

Thursday, March 30

E2.030 at 10:30 PM


Oppose HB 2211 by Landgraf. HB 2211 would preempt local governments from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, which would include things like regulations for gas stations. Urban local governments have a number of considerations such as air quality attainment goals. Bottom line: this is an issue for local voters to decide at the ballot box. HB 2211 is the companion for SB 784. 


Call the House Environmental Regulation Committee

Chair: Rep. Brooks Landgraf – (855) 799-2437

Vice Chair: Rep. R.D. “Bobby” Guerra – (866) 486-7132

Rep. Keith Bell – (855) 921-1360

Rep. Jay Dean – (855) 921-1362

Rep. John Kuempel – (866) 488-3704

Rep. Janie Lopez – (866) 442-1946

Rep. Terry Meza – (866) 631-6170

Rep. Penny Morales Shaw – (866) 730-0865

Rep. Ron Reynolds – (866) 211-9871


House Elections

Thursday, March 30

E2.016 at 10:30 PM


Oppose HB 2020 by Oliverson. HB 2020 would empower the Secretary of State to unilaterally remove a county’s election administrator and install a new one. There would be no judicial review or any other check and balance on the power. In fact, there is no due process, but only that the Governor-appointed Secretary of State “has good cause to believe that” there is a problem. Additionally, the successor installed by the Secretary of State has no required qualifications and could serve “until the secretary determines” the problems are rectified. HB 2020 is a dangerous precedent that undermines the confidence in the free and fairness of our elections. 


Support HB 703 by Jessica Gonzalez. HB 703 would ensure an election worker gets paid for an extra hour if it requires more time to set up or close out a polling location. HB 703 is the companion to SB 1052 by Springer from the March 13 action alert, which has been reported from its Senate committee. 


Call the House Elections Committee

Chair: Rep. Reggie Smith – (855) 918-1295

Vice Chair: Rep. John H. Bucy III – (855) 692-0019

Rep. Dustin Burrows – (855) 767-5441

Rep. Giovanni Capriglione – (855) 918-1296

Rep. Mano DeAyala – (855) 918-1299

Rep. Christian Manuel – (855) 918-1301

Rep. Eddie Morales – (855) 701-2722

Rep. Valoree Swanson – (855) 918-1302

Rep. Hubert Vo – (855) 921-0651



NOTE: We have set up toll-free numbers for all members of the Texas House and Senate. We ask that you use those numbers and save them in your phones. Dialing this number allows us to track the volume of calls to each office. If the number stops working, please let us know so we can set up a new number.


If you do not have time to make all of the calls on the weekly Action Alert, unless stated otherwise, please prioritize them based on: 

  1. Your representative if they are on any of the committees listed
  2. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the committees listed
  3. Any issues you have particular interest or expertise

Find your elected officials via the “Who Represents Me” page at http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx

Please email scott@texasimpact.org if you learn anything from your calls.


Rapid Response Action Alert Sample Script

Sample Script


Hello, my name is _________________and I live in ___________. I am calling to thank Representative/Senator _____________________for his/her service this Legislative Session.


As a person of faith (or clergy) I want to be constructive in working with Representative/Senator _______________ and hope they will support/oppose Bill number. 


Feel free to use any of the bullet points in the Action Alert above. If your congregation has a special connection to the issue area you are referencing, feel free to briefly reference that connection. Don’t forget to thank the staff member you are talking to at the end of the call, even if you disagree with their boss on the issue or bill—they are working hard and appreciate being appreciated!


In the past, legislative offices occasionally have blocked our toll free number because of high call volume from people of faith. If you call twice and receive busy signals, email engagement@texasimpact.org and we will update the number.


For updated information, visit www.texasimpact.org, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or contact engagement@texasimpact.org To join the Texas Impact Rapid Response Team and receive updated Texas Impact Action Alerts or a Legislative Engagement Group to be connected with other members in your district, visit: https://texasimpact.org/take-action-2/


Texas Impact is a membership organization. Join Texas Impact and be part of Texas’ oldest and largest interfaith action network! For more information, visit: https://texasimpact.org/join-2022-2023/