
Just like the famous movie quote that says, “there’s no crying in baseball,” there is no Spring Break in the Texas Legislature. In fact, Spring Break is often the week that committees accelerate to full speed since the bill filing period has come to an end and committee chairs have had time to examine the legislation referred to them. 


Support Health Coverage


HB 12 by Rose would ensure 12 months of postpartum coverage


HB 617 by Darby would create a pilot program on providing emergency telemedicine in rural areas. 


HB 1599 by Bucy would create “an express lane” by eliminating bureaucratic red tape in determining eligibility and enrolling individuals in the Medicaid or child health plan program. 


Call the House Select Committee on Health Care Reform

Chair: Rep. Sam Harless –  (855) 685-2930

Vice Chair: Rep. Donna Howard –  (855) 685-2931

Rep. Greg Bonnen, M.D. –  (855) 692-0017

Rep. John H. Bucy III –  (855) 692-0019

Rep. James Frank –  (855) 693-3927

Rep. Stephanie Klick –  (855) 701-2295

Rep. Eddie Morales –  (855) 701-2722

Rep. Tom Oliverson – (855) 702-6654

Rep. Four Price – (855) 704-0109

Rep. Toni Rose – (855) 704-0851

Rep. Armando Walle – (855) 704-2091


Support Contraception Coverage: HB 916 by Ordaz


HB 916 would help women — especially rural women that travel long distances — access contraception by requiring health insurance to provide a 12 month supply. 


Call the House Insurance Committee 

Chair: Rep. Tom Oliverson – (855) 702-6654

Vice Chair: Rep. Ann Johnson – (866) 721-0892

Rep. Briscoe Cain – (866) 721-0617

Rep. Philip Cortez – (866) 695-0546

Rep. Caroline Harris – (866) 498-9497

Rep. Lacey Hull – (866) 721-0897

Rep. Julie Johnson – (866) 631-6176

Rep. Dennis Paul – (866) 721-0618

Rep. Mary Ann Perez – (866) 730-0466


Support Criminal Justice Reform: HB 1743 by Leach


HB 1743 would require the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to coordinate with the Health & Human Service Commission to ensure a person formerly incarcerated would be enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) upon release. 


Call the House Corrections Committee 

Chair: Rep. Abel Herrero – (866) 432-9360

Vice Chair: Kyle Kacal – (855) 921-1370

Rep. Alma A. Allen – (866) 721-0714

Rep. Venton Jones – (866) 631-6167

Rep. Ray Lopez – (866) 695-0822

Rep. Andrew S. Murr – (866) 515-0377

Rep. Carl O. Sherman Sr. – (866) 631-6173

Rep. Valoree Swanson – (855) 918-1302

Rep. Steve Toth – (855) 921-1373


Support Religious Freedom


HB 1212 by Jetton would ensure that a religious holy day is an excused absence from school with a simple note from a parent. 


HB 1883 by Bhojani would make sure standardized tests were not administered on religious holy days. 


Call the House Public Education Committee

Chair: Rep. Brad Buckley – (866) 515-0459

Vice Chair: Rep. Alma A. Allen – (866) 721-0714

Rep. Steve Allison – (866) 695-0633

Rep. Charles Cunningham – (866) 700-9145

Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. – (866) 721-0905

Rep. Cody Harris – (855) 921-1364

Rep. Brian Harrison – (855) 921-1368

Rep. Cole Hefner – (855) 706-0757

Rep. Gina Hinojosa – (855) 921-1351

Rep. Ken King – (866) 563-8736

Rep. Oscar Longoria – (855) 921-1344

Rep. Matt Schaefer – (855) 921-1361

Rep. James Talarico – (866) 491-0258


Oppose LGBTQ Discrimination: SB 14 by Campbell


SB 14 would prohibit gender affirming care for minors, including hormone therapies. The bill would exempt children born intersex, which would allow parents and doctors to impose a gender on an infant born intersex. The bill would also prohibit any public money from being used in the CHIP program, and contains a provision that would allow the Attorney General to bring a civil action against parents and providers. 


Oppose LGBTQ Discrimination: SB 15 by Middleton


SB 15 would require an athlete that identified as trans to compete on the team of a public university that corresponded with their birth certificate rather than letting the university follow the regulations of the NCAA. 


Support Election Workers: SB 1052 by Springer


SB 1052 would ensure an election worker gets paid for an extra hour if it requires more time to set up or close out a polling location.  


Call the Senate State Affairs Committee on SB 14, SB 15 and SB 1052

Chair: Sen. Hughes – (866) 730-0869

Vice Chair: Sen. Paxton – (866) 730-1371

Sen. Schwertner – (866) 730-1359

Sen. Perry – (866) 821-0521

Sen. Menendez – (866) 772-1954

Sen. Parker – (866) 730-1397

Sen. Zaffirini – (866) 770-7383

Sen. LaMantia – (866) 821-0518

Sen. Bettencourt – (866) 730-1365

Sen. Birdwell – (866) 770-7384

Sen. Middleton – (866) 730-1396



NOTE: We have set up toll-free numbers for all members of the Texas House and Senate. We ask that you use those numbers and save them in your phones. Dialing this number allows us to track the volume of calls to each office. If the number stops working, please let us know so we can set up a new number.


If you do not have time to make all of the calls on the weekly Action Alert, unless stated otherwise, please prioritize them based on: 

  1. Your representative if they are on any of the committees listed
  2. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the committees listed
  3. Any issues you have particular interest or expertise

Find your elected officials via the “Who Represents Me” page at http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx

Please email scott@texasimpact.org if you learn anything from your calls.


Rapid Response Action Alert Sample Script

Sample Script


Hello, my name is _________________and I live in ___________. I am calling to thank Representative/Senator _____________________for his/her service this Legislative Session.


As a person of faith (or clergy) I want to be constructive in working with Representative/Senator _______________ and hope they will support/oppose Bill number. 


Feel free to use any of the bullet points in the Action Alert above. If your congregation has a special connection to the issue area you are referencing, feel free to briefly reference that connection. Don’t forget to thank the staff member you are talking to at the end of the call, even if you disagree with their boss on the issue or bill—they are working hard and appreciate being appreciated!


In the past, legislative offices occasionally have blocked our toll free number because of high call volume from people of faith. If you call twice and receive busy signals, email engagement@texasimpact.org and we will update the number.


For updated information, visit www.texasimpact.org, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or contact engagement@texasimpact.org To join the Texas Impact Rapid Response Team and receive updated Texas Impact Action Alerts or a Legislative Engagement Group to be connected with other members in your district, visit: https://texasimpact.org/take-action-2/


Texas Impact is a membership organization. Join Texas Impact and be part of Texas’ oldest and largest interfaith action network! For more information, visit: https://texasimpact.org/join-2022-2023/