
Week of March 29, 2021

Focus Area: Oppose Voter Suppression

Omnibus Elections Bill: SB 7 by Hughes

We expect SB 7 on the Senate floor very soon — possibly as soon as Tuesday. Many of the provisions do absolutely nothing for security, but simply make it harder to cast a ballot. SB 7 would affect your voting rights in the following ways: 

  1. A county would be prohibited from resourcing a congregation to help shut-ins get applications for mail-in ballots.
  2. If a voter applied for but never received a mail ballot, the voter would be required to vote provisionally—diminishing the likelihood that their ballot would count.
  3. Non-elderly voters would have to get a “doctor’s note” to request a mail-in ballot. That “doctor’s note” would be a public record, which could be obtained by employers or insurance companies—and obtaining the note would cost the voter time and quite possibly an insurance copayment.
  4. Signature verification committees would be able to use “any known signature” to reject a mail ballot, which means a decades-old driver’s license signature could be used to reject the ballot of an elderly person whose signature is evolving due to age, medical condition, or medication.
  5. Formulas prescribed in the bill would have the effect of limiting the number of voting machines in minority and low-income areas. 
  6. Election judges would be subject to criminal penalties and civil lawsuits for the removal of disruptive partisan poll watchers.
  7. Partisan poll watchers would be allowed to engage in disputes with election judges, causing even longer lines at the polls. 
  8. Partisan poll watchers would be authorized to record practically anyone and anything that happens in a polling location, including sensitive personal information.
  9. Partisan poll watchers would be authorized to record inside your car if you are voting curbside. 
  10. Partisan poll watchers would face no penalties for violating the secrecy of a ballot by recording it.
  11. Partisan poll watchers would face no penalties for editing and publishing video recording inside polling places in intentionally misleading ways. 
  12. The Secretary of State would be given broad new powers to fine local election officials who do not meet precipitous new deadlines for purging voters from the rolls, even if there is a good faith dispute over whether a voter is eligible. 
  13. Voting in a temporary structure, parking lot, parking garage, or motor vehicle (other than curbside) would be prohibited, even in the event of a disaster such as a fire or flood.


Tell your state senator to oppose SB 7.

Omnibus Elections Bill: HB 6 by Cain

HB 6 contains many of the provisions of SB 7 which would empower disruptive poll watchers and disempower election judges. HB 6 also contains provisions from SB 7 which would prohibit counties from distributing applications for mail ballots to nonprofits, including churches. 

Tell the House Elections to oppose HB 6 on Thursday, April 1

Call the committee at (877) 311-3208


George Floyd Act Update

Support Police Reform: HB 88 by Thompson

Known as the George Floyd Act, HB 88 would be the most comprehensive set of police reforms being proposed this session and includes many of the provisions listed in Texas Impact’s Legislative Agenda.

Tell the House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee to pass the George Floyd Act

Call the committee at (877) 258-9086


Renewable Energy

Support A Homeowner’s Right to Install Solar Energy: SB 398 by Menendez

Senate Business & Commerce Committee hearing Tuesday, March 30

Call the committee at (877) 431-0078


Oppose Interconnection & Ancillary Services Costs Which Hurt Renewable Energy: SB 1278 & SB 1282 by Hancock

Senate Business & Commerce Committee hearing Tuesday, March 30

Call the committee at (877) 431-0078


Other Bills with Hearings in Committee


Support Ending No-Knock Warrants: HB 492 by Wu & HB 1272 by Crockett

House Criminal Jurisprudence hearing Monday, March 29

Call the committee at (877) 344-5065


Support Removing Unconstitutional Criminal Statutes Regarding LGBTQ Relationships: HB 1038 by Beckley

House Criminal Jurisprudence hearing Monday, March 29

Call the committee at (877) 344-5065


Support 12 Month Eligibility for Children’s Health Insurance: HB 290 by Cortez

House Human Services hearing Tuesday, March 30

Call the committee at (877) 477-0371


Support Strengthening Body Camera Laws: HB 929 by Sherman

House Homeland Security & Public Safety hearing Thursday, April 1

Call the committee at (877) 258-9086



NOTE: We have set up toll-free numbers for all members of the Texas House and Senate. We ask that you use those numbers and save them in your phones. Dialing this number allows us to track the volume of calls to each office. If the number stops working, please let us know so we can set up a new number.

Find toll free numbers at https://texasimpact.org/texas-legislative-contact-information-2021/ 

Find your elected officials via the “Who Represents Me” page at http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx

Weekly Witness Action Alert Sample Script

See the list of toll free numbers (https://texasimpact.org/texas-legislative-contact-information-2021/) for each member of the Texas Legislature and save the number. Using the toll free number allows Texas Impact staff to track how many calls are going in to each office.


Sample Script


Hello, my name is _________________and I live in ___________. I am calling to thank Representative/Senator _____________________for his/her service this Legislative Session.


As a person of faith (or clergy) I want to be constructive in working with Representative/Senator _______________ and hope they will support/oppose Bill number. 


Feel free to use any of the bullet points in the Action Alert above. If your congregation has a special connection to the issue area you are referencing, feel free to briefly reference that connection. Don’t forget to thank the staff member you are talking to at the end of the call, even if you disagree with their boss on the issue or bill—they are working hard and appreciate being appreciated!


In the past, legislative offices occasionally have blocked our toll free number because of high call volume from people of faith. If you call twice and receive busy signals, email engagement@texasimpact.org and we will update the number.


For updated information, visit www.texasimpact.org, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or contact engagement@texasimpact.org To join the Texas Impact Rapid Response Team and receive updated Texas Impact Action Alerts or a Legislative Engagement Group to be connected with other members in your district, visit: https://texasimpact.org/action-center/


Texas Impact is a membership organization. Join Texas Impact and be part of Texas’ oldest and largest interfaith action network! For more information, visit: https://texasimpact.org/join