
Creative Advocacy

Texas Impact’s Executive Director, Bee Moorhead, explains how to be creative when advocating during covid, and how to use social media as an effective advocacy tool.

Equip - Engage - Mobilize

Texas Impact’s Outreach Director, Scott Atnip, explains how we can become better advocates and outlines some fo the tools Texas Impact offers to connect people to their legislators.

Intro to Texas Impact Day 1

Members of Texas Impact’s Board discuss what the organization means to them and important legislative issues.


Jessica Shortall, Executive Director of Texas Competes, and Brad Pritchett, Field Director for Equality Texas, discuss discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, why it needs to end, and upcoming related legislation to keep an eye on.

Voting Rights

Myrna Perez, Director of the Voting Rights and Elections Program for The Brennan Center, discusses the current state of voting rights in the U.S. and how our policies need to move forward to make sure everyone has equal opportunity to vote.

The Multi-System Disaster

Beaman Floyd, Texas Impact’s Legislative Counsel, and Janee Briesmeister, Consumer Rights and Energy Affordability Consultant, discuss the factors that led to the winter 2021 blackouts and give insight on where to go from here.

Medicaid Expansion and Women's Health

Former Texas State Representative and current Texas Impact Foundation board member Sarah Davis discusses Medicaid Expansion in Texas and how it affects women’s health. Presented at Texas Interfaith Advocacy Days, hosted by Texas impact.

Intro to Texas Impact Day 2

Members of Texas Impact’s Board discuss what the organization means to them and what legislation they are keeping an eye on this session.

2022 Starts Now

Texas Impact’s Advocacy Director, Josh Houston, discusses the history of democracy in Texas and why we need to already be focused on the 2022 elections.



Keynote: Faithful Policy Leadership

Jim Winkler, President and General Secretary of the National Council of Churches (NCC), and Minister Christian Watkins, NCC’s Justice Advocacy and Outreach Manager, discuss NCC’s resources and faithful advocacy in this keynote address.

Immigration Update

Texas Impact’s Policy Specialist and Courts & Ports Coordinator, Sarah Cruz, gives an update on immigration policies in light of the new administration, and explains what needs to be done with immigration reform.

Climate Justice

Interfaith Power & Light leaders Rev. Michael Malcom, Rev. Susannah Tuttle, and Rev. Susan Hendershot discuss racial and economic justice and climate change, and key opportunities for faith communities in 2021.

Intro to Texas Impact Day 3

Texas Impact Board members discuss what the organization means to them and how to use Texas Impact resources to become a better advocate.

Saturday March 6 Sunday March 7 Monday March 8 Tuesday March 9
9:00 legislative visits via Zoom
10:00 Creative Advocacy
11:00 Equip-Engage-Mobilize
1:00 Creative Advocacy Understanding the Multi-System Disaster Immigration Updates and Next Steps
2:00 Equip-Engage-Mobilize Medicaid Expansion and Women’s Health Climate Justice 2021
3:00 legislative visit coaching legislative visit coaching legislative visit coaching
4:00 Introduction to Texas Impact Introduction to Texas Impact Introduction to Texas Impact
5:00 Nondiscrimination 2022 Starts Now Legislative State of Play
6:00 Voting Rights Keynote: Jim Winkler, CEO, National Council of Churches Medicaid Expansion: Cutting Through the Fog

Schedule and speakers subject to change without notice

Saturday, March 6

1:00 pm
Bee Moorhead

Creative Advocacy

COVID has forced us to get creative with so many processes…but how creative can we get with legislative advocacy? Texas Impact’s Executive Director will give you new tools and techniques to work for justice, even when you can’t leave the house.

Zoom link

Bee Moorhead

Texas Impact Executive Director

2:00 PM
Scott Atnip


Texas Impact Outreach Director Scott Atnip explains Texas Impact’s Legislative Engagement Groups (LEGs), along with help from some current LEG members and friends. Learn why this program is critical to rebuilding a spirit of community in Texas government and find out how to sign up!

Zoom link

Scott Atnip

Texas Impact Engagement Director

3:00 PM
Texas Impact Staff

Legislative Visit Coaching

Legislative visits look different this year because of COVID, but you can advocate effectively from a social distance. Texas Impact staff will get you prepped to have Zoom legislative visits on Tuesday, March 9.

Zoom link

4:00 PM
Texas Impact Board Members

Introduction to Texas Impact

Texas Impact’s board of directors includes more than 60 clergy and lay leaders from diverse faith communities across Texas. Meet board members and learn about opportunities to network in your part of the state.

Zoom link

5:00 PM 
Jessica Shortall

Nondiscrimination for a Stronger Texas

Jessica Shortall is a strategy consultant, social entrepreneur and LGBTQ rights advocate. She is Managing Director of Texas Competes, a statewide coalition of businesses, chambers of commerce, and industry associations making the economic case for an LGBTQ-welcoming Texas.

Zoom link

Jessica Shortall

Director, Texas Competes

6:00 PM
Myrna Perez

Voting Rights

Myrna Pérez is director of the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights and Elections Program, and leads the Program’s research, advocacy, and litigation work nationwide. An expert on voting rights and election administration, she is the author of several nationally recognized reports and articles. 

Zoom link

Myrna Perez

Director, Brennan Center’s Voting Rights and Elections Program

Sunday, March 7

1:00 pm
Beaman Floyd

Understanding the Multi-System Disaster

The extreme winter weather in mid-February set in motion a cascade of disasters, from power outages and boil water notices to family financial crises and mounting insurance claims. As lawmakers sift through the wreckage, they should avoid making knee-jerk, piecemeal decisions.

Zoom link

Beaman Floyd


Janee Briesmeister

Consumer Policy Consultant

2:00 Pm
Hon. Sarah Davis

Medicaid and Women’s Health

Texas is experiencing disturbing rates of maternal mortality, and lack of health coverage clearly plays a role. Medicaid can help.

Zoom link

Sarah Davis

Texas Impact Foundation Board Member

3:00 PM
Texas Impact Staff

Legislative Visit Coaching

Legislative visits look different this year because of COVID, but you can advocate effectively from a social distance. Texas Impact staff will get you prepped to have Zoom legislative visits on Tuesday, March 9.

Zoom link

4:00 PM
Texas Impact Board Members

Introduction to Texas Impact

Texas Impact’s board of directors includes more than 60 clergy and lay leaders from diverse faith communities across Texas. Meet board members and learn about opportunities to network in your part of the state.

Zoom link

Josh Houston

Elections: 2022 Starts Now

Texas saw record voter turnout in November, but will 2020’s election turn out to be a one-time phenomenon? Our next election cyle starts in a few months. Texas Impact’s Advocacy Director will offer practical strategies to build civic engagement.

Zoom link

Josh Houston

Texas Impact Advocacy Director

6:00 PM
Jim Winkler

Faithful Policy Leadership in 2021


Zoom link

Jim Winkler

General Secretary and President of the National Council of Churches

Monday, March 8

10:00 am
Bee Moorhead

Creative Advocacy

COVID has forced us to get creative with so many processes…but how creative can we get with legislative advocacy? Texas Impact’s Executive Director will give you new tools and techniques to work for justice, even when you can’t leave the house.

Zoom link

Bee Moorhead

Texas Impact Executive Director

11:00 aM
Scott Atnip


Texas Impact Outreach Director Scott Atnip explains Texas Impact’s Legislative Engagement Groups (LEGs), along with help from some current LEG members and friends. Learn why this program is critical to rebuilding a spirit of community in Texas government and find out how to sign up!

Zoom link

Scott Atnip

Texas Impact Engagement Director

12:00 pm




1:00 pM
Sarah Cruz

Next Steps on the Border

Texas Impact Courts & Ports Coordinator Sarah Cruz provides an update on immigration reform under the Biden Administration, and particular impacts on Texas.

Zoom link

Sarah Cruz

Texas Impact Courts & Ports Coordinator

Rev. Susan Hendershot, Rev. Susannah Tuttle, and Rev. Michael Malcom

Climate Justice: All In

Join Interfaith Power & Light leaders for a discussion of racial and economic justice and climate change, and key opportunities for faith communities in 2021.

Zoom link

Reverend Susan Hendershot

President & CEO, Interfaith Power & Light

Reverend Michael Malcom

The People’s Justice Council/Alabama Interfaith Power & Light

Reverend Susannah Tuttle

N. Carolina Council of Churches/N. Carolina Interfaith Power & Light

3:00 PM
Texas Impact Staff

Legislative Visit Coaching

Legislative visits look different this year because of COVID, but you can advocate effectively from a social distance. Texas Impact staff will get you prepped to have Zoom legislative visits on Tuesday, March 9.

Zoom link

4:00 PM
Texas Impact Board Members

Introduction to Texas Impact

Texas Impact’s board of directors includes more than 60 clergy and lay leaders from diverse faith communities across Texas. Meet board members and learn about opportunities to network in your part of the state.

Zoom link

5:00 PM
Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia

National Immigration Policy Update

Join Congresswoman Garcia for a 30-minute update on the Administration’s immigration proposals and how Texans can advance just federal immigration policy.

Zoom link

Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia

Texas Congressional District 29

6:00 PM
Senator Nathan Johnson

Medicaid Expansion: Cutting Through the Fog

Only 12 states are still refusing to expand Medicaid under the terms of the Affordable Care Act. Under the ACA, states have the option to expand Medicaid eligibility to nearly all their residents with incomes at or below 138 percent of poverty ($17,608 for an individual in 2020), with 90% of the cost paid with federal funds. While the Medicaid expansion was intended to be national, the June 2012 Supreme Court ruling essentially made it optional for states.  Senator Johnson has filed legislation that would expand Medicaid in Texas.

Zoom link

Senator Nathan Johnson

Texas Senate District 16

Tuesday, March 9

8:00 am to noon
Meet with Texas Impact staff before and after your legislative visits—we’ll be informal and come-and-go, and look forward to hearing how your visits go and what you learn from legislators and their staffs.


Meeting ID: 552 189 6143

password: justice

Zoom link