
Sunday, January 26

Noon       Registration Opens

Opening Reception in the Red Pepper Bar

1:00 PM     Opening Worship

1:30 PM      Opening Plenary

2:15 PM      Workshops #1

3:30 PM      Workshops #2

4:45 PM     Workshops #3

6:15 PM      Dinner

Keynote Speaker: Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Texas and Rio Texas Conferences of the United Methodist Church

7:30 PM      Social Principles “Deep Dive” Table Discussion


Monday, January 27

8:30 AM     Morning Praise

9:00 AM     Plenary: Immigration

10:00 AM   Break

10:30 AM   Plenary: Public Education

12:00 PM   Lunch

Speaker: Amanda Tyler, Christians Against Christian Nationalism

1:30 PM      Legislative Visit Preparation

3:00 PM     Pick up folders for Lege visits

3:30 PM      Movie Screening: Zurawski v TX

5:00 PM     Break/Texas Impact Office Hours

6:30 PM      Dinner

Speaker: Dr. Charlie Brown, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Tuesday, January 28

7:00 AM     Busses depart for the Capitol

7:30 AM     Breakfast in Legislative Conference Center

8:30 AM     Legislative Visits Begin

11:00 AM   Closing Gathering and Sending Forth