
Extreme Religious-Excuse Bills Would Open the Door for Abuse and Discrimination

As one of our nation’s most religiously diverse states, Texas has a strong commitment to upholding the religious freedom enshrined in the US Constitution.

Unfortunately, our state also has a history riddled with tragic examples of individuals and groups whose sincerely held religious beliefs led them to commit heinous acts of abuse and violence.

To prevent “religious freedom” from becoming a “free pass,” Texas has put in place wise religious freedom laws, especially the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, that have used inclusive stakeholder processes and drawn on the wisdom and experience of our state’s religious leaders to ensure that all Texans can practice their faiths in peace and free from fear of persecution, without opening the door to abusive behavior masquerading as religious practice.

On April 17, the House State Affairs Committee will consider two bills that would redefine religious freedom—allowing claims of sincere faith to serve as justification for impermissible behavior. HB 3172 by Krause would permit any person to claim religion as a reason for not complying with generally applicable laws, including precluding the state from revoking a license of a child care facility that uses corporal punishment. HB 1035 by Zedler would permit any person to claim religion as a reason for not complying with generally applicable laws, including provisions precluding the state from revoking a license of a child care facility using corporal punishment, nullifying local nondiscrimination ordinances, permitting discrimination in public accommodations, and regulating bathroom use.

Urge lawmakers to oppose these bills! Add your name to the letter below, call your representative, and recruit friends to join you!

Dear Texas Legislator,

I am opposed to HB 1035 and HB 3172 that are scheduled for public hearing on April 17 in the House State Affairs Committee. These bills undermine our nation’s core principles of religious freedom by elevating some people’s religious beliefs at the expense of others.

HB 1035 and HB 3172 would permit religious conduct that imposes on–or even hurts–innocent people. HB 1035 even lists specific religious beliefs that would be eligible for this special treatment.

No religiously motivated conduct should get special government treatment if it hurts other people. Government simply has no business picking religious winners and losers.

I trust the First Amendment to protect my religious freedom—and yours. Please don’t let Texas take this dangerous step that would move us away from the US Constitution and toward the theocracies of repressive regimes.

Please OPPOSE HB 1035 and HB 3172.


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