After a year of managing our Courts & Ports Faithful Witness immersive program in the Rio Grande Valley, a common question that never failed to be asked was, “what can we do to help?” Today, I have a concrete answer. Right now, it is essential that faith communities become knowledgeable on all things related to SB4 (88-4).
SB4 In A Few Words
In a nutshell, SB4 (88-4) creates the state crimes of “illegal entry”, “illegal reentry”, refusal to return to a foreign country, and goes a step further, authorizing state judges to issue deportation orders. As the bill is written, this means any “peace officer” anywhere in Texas, can arrest anyone as long as they have probable cause to believe the person entered this state through anywhere other than a port of entry.
SB4 Exceptions for Places of Worship
There are exceptions. It is of the essence for faith communities to know that enforcement of this law is prohibited in certain locations:
Scripture Calls for Faith in Action
I John 3:18 – “…Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” Indeed, it is a time for faith communities to take action in the following:
- Become experts on SB4 (88-4) and Know Your Rights
- Ensure places of worship remain free of SB4 (88-4) enforcement
- Listen to the needs of those who will be directly impacted by SB4 (88-4)
- Uplift the voices of those most affected by SB4 (88-4)
- If your presence is called for, show up in numbers
SB4 Informational Webinar
Luckily for y’all, Texas Impact in collaboration with the Texas Immigration Law Council will be hosting an informational webinar on SB4 (88-4) so make sure you join us and invite your community members.
WHAT: SB4 Informational Webinar
WHEN: February 27, 2024 at 5PM
WHERE: Zoom Link