  • Survey leaders of local government and nonprofit programs that your faith community supports. Ask if they perceive climate change to have an impact on their programs. (It will probably take you more than one week to get the responses back from a survey.)
  • Find out about migrant groups living in your local area, especially refugee and asylee communities. If possible, meet with members of those groups. Learn what drove their migration stories, and how climate change might be a factor. Not sure where to start? Check with local government and school district offices to get connected.
  • Meet with people in your community who work in sectors likely to be impacted by a transition away from fossil fuels. Invite them to discuss their concerns and expectations.
  • Learn about “green” jobs available in your community: Who does those jobs? How much do they pay? Consider meeting with someone from your local business community to discuss the opportunities and challenges of just transition. Is there an opportunity to collaborate on a forum or roundtable event on this issue in the future?
  • Find out if your community has a climate resilience plan or any plan to adapt to climate change. Arrange to have a local government spokesperson brief your group about the plans.