
This week marked the start of the “Action Alert” season: if you did NOT receive an Action Alert email on Monday and you want to be in that loop, please visit this page and adjust your Texas Impact email preferences! Texas Impact sends out Action Alert emails on Mondays during the legislative session, which typically encourage phone calls on specific bills during the week of the alert. We also send Rapid Response text messages and emails when there is an urgent need for advocacy, typically during the last six weeks of the session. You can sign up for Rapid Response on this page, too.


Wondering if your actions matter? Texas Impact members have been making calls this week—here’s what some of them are saying:

Thus far have contacted all members of the House elections Committee re: HB 241 and 675. Positive responses from all–one staffer actually said “Right On!” in response to my comment that barriers to voter participation should be eliminated if we wished to strengthen democracy. (Haven’t actually heard that comment in decades–maybe he thought I am an old hippy).

The aide who answered the phone challenged my statistics, so I offered to send her the source.

The level of energy and receptivity at this stage is so high—even those who do not comment on their reps stance on the bills have thanked me for calling and sharing my views 

I called each chair and co-chair plus my own rep on each bill in the action alert. It was a wonderful experience! The conversations were so positive. I read every bill beforehand and was prepared for anticipated questions.

Your voice matters, and the time to use it is now!