
My first time attending and participating in the three-day Texas United Women in Faith (UWFaith) Legislative Event this past month has left me filled with much hope for this legislative year. A room full of Texans from various denominations who are putting their faith into action by showing up, learning, giving their input, and preparing to do the work ahead of them was indeed, a glorious sight. 

 Alongside the United Women in Faith participants, I was able to learn about the many issues that matter to Texans presented by accomplished guest speakers and some of my amazing colleagues. On the other hand, I presented my immigration workshop to inform about current immigration realities on the South Texas border while extending an invitation for people to attend a Courts & Ports event. I stressed the importance of Courts & Ports as an opportunity for many to witness, discern, and advocate. When you come to a Courts & Ports event you will witness the effects of immigration policies at the border and learn from the many organizations in the Valley involved in this work everyday. You will then reflect and plan on how you can best use your power and privilege to advocate for changes. 

Many of you expressed to me that you wished you could do more or asked how you could support asylum seekers. Currently, there are over a thousand asylum seekers in an encampment with little to no infrastructure in Matamoros. Asylum seekers there are trying to schedule or waiting on CBP One appointments so they can seek legal entry into the United States. If you are interested in supporting the efforts of providing them with food and water, I will post the following link to donate to Pastor Abraham Barberi’s organization. Pastor Abraham Barberi is on the ground supporting asylum seekers by purchasing food and paying for the refill of water tanks as needed. All of this support is made possible through donations some of which have been funneled from Team Brownsville who is also still very much involved in supporting asylum seekers. Here is the link: https://onemissionministries.org/Donate.html 

As a true test from the above, on the last day of the United Women in Faith Legislative Event we awoke to ice and really low temperatures. Suffice it to say that ice and low temperatures did not deter UWFaith participants from making their way to the Capitol. For some participants, their determination paid off as they actually met with and talked with their legislators about the issues they care about. If this is a predicament as to how the legislative year will unveil, then it is a reminder of how essential it is that–YOU– the people, exercise your power and privilege to show up, speak up, and participate in our democracy here in Texas. Thank you to all involved in making the Texas United Women in Faith Legislative Event 2023 possible, and I look forward to learning and working alongside y’all in my role with Texas Impact.