We’re inviting you to go on a treasure hunt in your local community…and we want YOU to tell US what the treasure is! On your treasure hunt, we predict you will discover information about your community that you never knew before. You might meet people who do jobs you think are important, or learn new ways to help members of your community who need you. You could learn more about the natural resources in your area and how to protect them, and you might decide to work to strengthen certain services in your community.
The Know Your Community Treasure Hunt is a series of challenges. You can do the treasure hunt by yourself, but it’s more fun in a group—like a religious education class, ministry team, women’s group, or even your choir! The treasure hunt is suitable for youth and adults.
- For each challenge, you will do a little background research on an issue in your community. Most if not all of the issues are common in all communities in the U.S. The research mostly relies on information you can find online easily.
- After you do your research, you (and your group if you have one) will take a field trip to meet people in your community who work in that issue area and to see facilities or programs operating in your community.
- Document what you did, using the forms provided at the back of this handbook or on the Treasure Hunt website (www.texasimpact.org/treasurehunt). Finish all twelve challenges in a single year to receive a prize from Texas Impact!