
Texas Impact Prayer Calendar

Click here to download the full 2017 calendar.

A critic once took the late 19th century preacher Dwight Moody to task for his involvement in political and social affairs. “Are you not a citizen of heaven?” the detractor asked. “Yes, someday I shall be,” Moody responded, “but right now I’m registered to vote in Cook County, Ilnois.”

Texas Impact is a public policy information and advocacy center for Texas faith communities. Its task is to advocate, and help people of faith to advocate, the social witness perspectives and policies of their faith traditions.

Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other theological traditions teach that communities and individuals of faith should be concerned about public policy. Theologian John Calvin wrote, “Civil magistery is a calling not only holy and legitimate, but by far the most sacred and honoable in human life.”

Ministry through public policy advocacy offers a chance to translate deep convictions about justice, peace and freedom from words into reality. The political process is where decisions are made that help or harm people; decisions that help to make the kind of world God intends.

Texas Impact staff members visit policy-makers and their staffs, testify before legislative committees and facilitate the testimony of religious leaders. This involvement helps to clarify the moral and ethical issues at stake in public policy.